How do I create a room for my location?

This article will explain how to create rooms at your primary locations.

To add rooms to your primary locations, start by navigating to the Settings menu by hovering over the gear icon, then click on Locations/Rooms.

NOTE: only primary and events-type locations support the creation of rooms. For more information, see our knowledge base article on location types here. 

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You can either search for the location in the search bar or scroll down to the location you'd like to update. Click Update.

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Scroll down to the Rooms section and click on + CREATE ROOM

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Create room by editing the details below and adding applicable services.

  • Name - because rooms are listed alphabetically on the main schedule in Day View - By Room, recommends using leading zeroes when rooms are named sequentially, e.g. Room 01 instead of Room 1.
  • Description - this should be a short note of special features of the room e.g. "has drumset."
  • Online video conference link - if your business offers optional join-online lessons and your teachers do not have their own unique video conferencing links, you may provide one link per room to be used for optional join-online lessons.
  • Applicable services - this field defines what services are permitted to be offered in a particular room. Assigning services to rooms is strongly recommended because it allows to identify lessons that may be in the wrong room, e.g. a drum lesson in a room without a drumset (the room would not be applicable for drum services). For more information, see our knowledge base article on assigning services to rooms.

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Once all the details have been added, click ADD ROOM.

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Click on "Update Location" to save  your changes.

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