Getting Started With!

This article presents a comprehensive overview of the process to onboard and utilize for efficient operation and growth of schools. It covers initial setup, client data migration & import and enabling credit card payments.

You are looking to operate and grow your school more efficiently and can't wait to get started with - we hear you!


The steps below describe the typical process to get your business up and running on We will be there to assist you at every step of the way!


Note that we also provide paid premium setup/migration where our team can set up your account end to end, migrate your data, and save you a lot of time.


Step One: Create An Account 

The first 30 days of are free. Use this time to begin setting up your business on

Note: Client notifications are OFF by default for new businesses on This means that no automated emails will be sent to clients and staff until you request it to be turned on. This gives you time to set up your account and only turn on automated client notifications once you are ready to go live.


Step Two: Configure Your Business Settings & Services

  • Customize your Business settings
    Customize your logo, background image, primary branding color, etc. This will make your staff, teachers, and customers feel at home with your business when they use
  • Create and configure your Locations:
    Whether you offer services online, at home, or at a brick-and-mortar storefront, we've got you covered. You can set up as many locations as you need and include your locations' addresses, descriptions, rooms, applicable services, open/closed hours, sales taxes, etc. 
  • Create your Services:

This needs to be planned out carefully. supports several types of services:

  • Appointments - typically used for private lessons (one-on-one, or semi-private), where lessons are given based on your staff and teachers' availabilities.
  • Sessions - typically used for courses, workshops, and group classes with multiple clients, typically scheduled ahead of time.
  • Events - typically used for parties, recitals, concerts, competitions, etc. 
  • Subscription-Only - typically used for monthly rentals and membership fees, when you need to charge a client on a monthly or yearly recurring basis.

Feel free to schedule a support call with us by emailing so we can help you get started with setting up your services.


Step Three: Add your Staff Staff are typically service providers - teachers, instructors, tutors, etc. - or administrative staff managing day-to-day operations.  Out of the box, supports four staff roles:

  •  Limited Staff
  •  Staff
  •  Manager
  •  Owner

Each staff member's profile includes personal information - name, address, phone number, email, etc. - a photo, a bio, their pay rates for payroll calculation, appointment availability and blocked hours (e.g. breaks ), categorized tags (customizable information about them, e.g. languages they speak, relevant degrees, teaching style, instruments taught, etc.) and several other settings.


Step Four: Add your Clients 

We can import your client data for you - See Client Import


Step Five: Enable your account for Electronic Payment

United States / Canada:

  •  Our default option for payments is Stripe which you can enable from your account. (Business settings > Payments tab). Stripe allows to process payments easily and quickly, with no paperwork (however they do not offer the most competitive credit card rates in the United States).
  • We also partner with CloverConnect / Fiserv for payment processing. Clover Connect offers more competitive credit card rates.

Please contact us at so we can assist you with enabling your account for electronic payments.

Outside of US / Canada:

  • We support payments with Stripe 
  • You can easily connect your existing (or new) Stripe account from your  (Business settings > Payments tab)

Once your payments account is created and connected to, we recommend running a test charge (using a real credit card attached to a fake client profile) to ensure everything is working end-to-end before charging your customers.

(Optional) Migrate your current Credit Card Data.

See the articles on credit card data migration for Stripe and CloverConnect 


Step Six: Book your clients' appointments and enroll them in sessions

Once your business' services, locations, clients, and staff are set up, you can book your clients' appointments (private lessons) and enroll them in sessions (group classes).

This can take time and needs to be done manually, but is a great way to train your staff, get familiar with the platform, and ensure your client data was accurately imported.


Step Seven: Announce and Go Live! 

  •  Go to Calendar, Month View (current month or next month, to make sure you see all your active members).
  •  Click Batch Email (this will allow you to open your local email client with all the students and their account managers in BCC).
  •  Finally, notify us and we will enable your client notifications so that your clients will start receiving automated notifications from 

Note: As every business is different, we do not provide templated emails for going live, but we can help you with the content.