Events Services & Events Self-Booking

Use this step-by-step guide to set up services for concerts, recitals, and one-time events.

Events-based services are designed to support concerts, recitals and one-time performances that are typical of music schools.   Self-Booking is not used to replace ticketing.  The purpose of Events Self-Booking is to allow event participants to enroll in a specific recital, concert, or event.


  1. Set up the events ‘location’ 
  2. Add a new events-based 'service'
    1. General Tab - Enter general information for the event and configure event settings
    2. Payment Tab - Configure new payment plan(s) for your event
    3. Events Tab - Add specific performance/recital information relevant to your upcoming event
    4. Templates Tab - Configure 2 email templates to your preference: Confirmation email and Reminder email
  3. Schedule events sessions
  4. Create self-booking link or configure for staff initiated enrollment
  5. Generate the event 'program'

To learn how to add participants to your event, visit our How do I Enroll Participants in Events? article.  

  1. Set up the Events ‘Location’ 
If your event takes place offsite (e.g. at a church, Community Center, or Recital space), then you're going to want to add an events location to your setup.

Note: If your concerts/recitals take place at your primary brick & mortar where private lessons and group classes take place, skip this step and use your existing location


Navigate to the left-hand menu > select the 'gear' icon > Locations/Rooms

Select the 'add location' button and press 'continue' on the pop-up letting you know that additional locations (with the exception of Events-Based locations) will increase your monthly subscription price with  Since we're configuring an events-based location, you will not be charged extra for this location and you can ignore the pop-up.

1 events based locations

Fill in your event space information.  Be sure to select 'Event' in the 'Location Type' field.  Note: All fields here, including the description, will be visible to the clients who self-book.


Who can see this location?

Toggle on 'Can visitor see this location' and 'Can clients see this location'.  We will adjust these settings later when we create our 'event-based service'

Create Room

Use this setting if your event location has more than one space or area that performances will take place.

2 events based locations

Select the 'Create Location' button when you've finished adding your event space details.


2. Add a new events-based 'service'

Navigate to the left-hand menu > select the 'gear' icon > 'Services' > 'Add Service'

3 events based locations

Select 'Event' service type > press the 'continue' button at the bottom


a. General Tab

Fill in the details for the following fields: Name, photo's, short description, description and tags (e.g. 'events', 'spring concert', etc).  Note that 'Terms and Conditions' will only be visible to accept if using a self-booking link. 

Note: the name of the event, photos and descriptions will be visible to clients and/or attendees as these fields will be used to populate your event's program and self-booking link. You can ignore all other fields for now, scroll to the bottom of the page and select 'create service'.

Press 'Update' to save once you've entered your relevant information.


Next, use filters to search for your new event and press the 'update' button.

4 events based services

Scroll down to the 'Calendar Settings' section > press the 'pencil icon' to edit > fill in event details > Press the 'update service' button to save your settings


Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 2.53.56 PM


b. Payment

Next, you'll configure the 'Payment' settings:

If you are not allowing clients to self-enroll your event and are just using to manage the details of your recital/event, you will not need to create a payment plan.  When you don't utilize self-booking, your staff will need to manually sign the client up, input client/performance details, and separately charge the clients if applicable. can only automatically charge clients if they self-enroll. If an admin creates a performance slot and enrolls a student in a recital, there is no automatic billing. 


If you are allowing clients to self-enroll in your event, you will need to create a payment plan even if the event is free for the clients. 


Click the 'Payment' tab > 'pencil' icon to edit > click the purple '+ create payment plan' button > select 'One time event participation payment (cash or credit)' > fill in payment details for the event > press the 'add event-per-visit plan' button


Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 3.37.52 PM*Example of payment plan settings used to manage recital participation


Click the blue 'Enable for Self Booking' button as shown below.  You will not be able to see this new 'Event Participation' payment plan on your self booking link if you do not enable for self booking, and clients will not be able to self-enroll.Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 3.39.42 PM

c. Events tab

This is where we'll create our specific event. Navigate to the 'Events' tab > Click the '+ ADD EVENT' button > Fill in the details of the specific event.


Name: Use a name that allows you differentiate this performance/recital from others

Online ID: Only provide online ID if you allow the performers to join in remotely. 

Does the event have an enrollment deadline?: Toggle on if you require clients to enroll by a specific date > Set date.  If toggled on, students will not be able to enroll after the date you set, and staff will no longer be able to add performance slots or edit performance details

Maximum number of session performance slots: The number set here is applied to each session of a performance (Eg: Friday evening, Saturday matinee, Saturday evening are 3 sessions of the same concert series) If the number set here is 30,  each of the 3 sessions will have up to 30 slots allowed.

How much percentage of time of each scheduled date can allow enrollment?: If your scheduled event is 2 hours, how much of that 2 hours should be dedicated to performance time vs. set up time, MC time, etc.  We recommend setting the slide to the 80%-85% range

Custom Client Attributes: These attributes can be used to record information about the student performances. Client custom attributes cannot be edited once a client is enrolled in an event. Fill in every possible custom client attribute you may need prior to allowing enrollments.

If the custom client attribute is toggled on, the information collected will appear in your digital program.   If the custom client attribute is toggled off, you will still collect that data, but the data will not appear in your digital program.

'Duration' custom client attribute works in conjunction with the scale above and is used to calculate performance time / percentages.

Click 'SUBMIT' when you've finished entering every possible custom client attribute you may need.

Screenshot 2023-11-29 at 4.18.37 PM
Common custom client attributes for a recital/performance event



d. Templates Tab:

Confirmation Email - This email is sent to your clients when they complete their self-booking or are enrolled manually by staff

Reminder Email - This email is sent to your clients a specific amount of time prior to the performance/recital taking place.  You specified how many hours before the scheduled event you wanted your clients to be reminded of the event in the 'Calendar' section of the a. General tab.  


3. Schedule sessions for your event


Click on the event you created in Step 2 to add sessions for your different concert times (Eg Friday evening, Saturday matinee, Saturday Evening)

Screenshot 2023-11-29 at 4.29.31 PM

Click on the date you want to add the session to, or click the 'add session' button at the top of your view.  

Screenshot 2023-11-29 at 4.33.42 PM


Fill in the details of your session > Submit to save.  

Screenshot 2023-12-01 at 12.21.46 PM


You now see your new session on the calendar.  Repeat for any additional sessions.

Screenshot 2023-12-01 at 12.24.40 PM

Button guide

Add Session: Allows you to add sessions to your event (Eg Friday evening, Saturday matinee, Saturday Evening). Alternatively, you can select the date of the session to add.

Edit Event: Allows you to edit the details of the event you created in Step 2.  Note - As mentioned above, the custom client attributes cannot be edited once a client is enrolled in a session.

Disable Event: This button prevents self-booking for the event. If at a certain point you want to cut off self-enrollment for a certain event, you can use this button to disable self-booking.

Delete Event: Deletes the event

Invited Staff: Adding a limited staff to the Invited Staff list invites that staff to enroll their own students in the sessions of the event. For more information about inviting staff, visit the 'How Do I Invite Staff

Batch Email Clients / Staff: Allows you to easily batch email all clients and staff who are enrolled/invited.

Program: Preview the program.  Performers must be confirmed and given a performance order before a digital program can be autogenerated. 

QR Code: QR code that leads to the program for ease of access for guest

Download Roster: Allows you to download a file of the roster


4.  Create self-booking link or configure for staff initiated enrollment

You will need to create self-booking links if you'd like your students to be able to self-enroll in the event/performance. 


To do so, navigate to your menu on the left in your dashboard > Gear icon > Business > 'Self-Booking Links' tab

Screenshot 2023-12-01 at 12.35.45 PM

Select the pencil icon to edit your self-booking links > Scroll to the bottom and press the 'Add a custom link' button > Select 'Event Self-Booking'

Screenshot 2023-12-01 at 12.43.57 PM

Link Name: Enter your desired link name.  The link name will appear in the URL.

Add Additional Optional Filters: Select the applicable Event(s)

Make Accessible to visitors: In most cases, you will leave this turned off for events.  When turned off, only users with profiles (i.e. clients) can enroll in your event.  When turned on, anyone visiting the self-booking, regardless of membership status, can enroll in your event.

Call to action: In most cases, you will leave this turned off for events. When toggled on, students (even prospects) who have empty calendars will see a link in their dashboard directing them to sign up for your event.  Since we only want students performing in the event to see the self-booking link, we will leave this turned off.


Screenshot 2023-12-01 at 12.47.20 PM


When you have filled in your desired settings, press the blue 'Add Link' button > on the next screen, don't forget to press the 'Update Business' button to save your changes.


You may consider using Batch email/Batch SMS to send the link to applicable clients.


5.  Generate the event program: allows you to easily create a program for your event. To do so, you need to make sure:

  1. The performers are marked confirmed and

  2. The Performers have been assigned an order #

Limited Staff do not have access to confirm participants or assign their order.  Account managers (and managers / owners) can confirm participation of their dependents. Only Managers/Owners can assign a performance order.


Once you have confirmed these details are complete, click the blue 'Program' button above the Calendar in the Event. You may also choose to generate a QR code that can be displayed at the event for guests to easily scan and access the program for the event they are attending.

Screenshot 2023-12-11 at 1.22.40 PM

You will then be brought to your event program:

Screenshot 2023-12-11 at 2.11.45 PM


💡 Additional Notes to Consider

Enrolling Participants in Events

To learn how to add participants to your events, visit our How do I Enroll Participants in Events? article.  

Transferring Participants from one session to another

If you need to transfer a student from one session to another, Select the participant you wish to move > use the blue 'Transfer Session' button > Select the session you wish to move them to.

Screenshot 2023-12-11 at 2.09.24 PM


Participants cannot add themselves to Event waitlists.  If a given event is completely full, an admin will be required to add the student to the waitlist.  Participants can easily be moved to the waitlist using the blue 'Move to Waitlist' button.

'Lock' button

Once the details of your event session are finalized, you may want to 'Lock' your event session.  Locking your session disables the Limited Staffs ability to edit details, and means that only managers/owners can edit details moving forward unless a manager/owner 'Unlocks' the session.

'Download Roster' button

Allows you to download a CSV of the Roster

Enrolling multiple people in 1 performance slot

You can enroll multiple people in 1 performance slot, however this can only be completed manually by a Manager/Owner. 

Navigate to the performance slot > add applicable participants

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