How do I Enroll Participants in Events?

This article details the process for enrolling performers in Events. 


Learn the 2 ways of enrolling participants in events: Manually booking participants vs. Participant Self-Booking 


1. How staff/limited staff enroll participants

2. How a participant self-enrolls


1. How staff/limited staff enroll participants

To manually enroll a participant as a staff/limited staff, navigate to the session you wish to add participants to > press the 'Add Slot' button > click the empty space in the 'Name' Column as shown below > and type the students name you wish to add.

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From this screen, you can also see/edit the custom client attributes you added to the event when building it.  Once one student is enrolled, you can no longer add additional custom client attribute fields to the event.  


Once added, the participant or participant's Account Manager will receive a notification in their profile indicating they or their dependent has been invited to participate in an event and asking them to confirm participation.  They must 'confirm' participation.

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2.  How a participant self-enrolls

To allow performers to self-enroll in an existing event, you'll first need to make sure you've enabled your event for self-booking and completed the Self-Booking link checklist.

Self-booking link checklist:

  1. Have I made my services visible to clients and/or visitors?
  2. Have I enabled my payment plans for self-booking?

Once you've ensured the above steps are complete and you've confirmed your self-booking link is functioning as intended, you may consider using Batch email/Batch SMS to send the link to applicable clients.  


From the Self-Booking link, the participant or Account Manager of the participant will select the session they wish to enroll in.

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The participant or Account Manager of a participant will then be brought to a page where they are prompted to enter their details.  

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Select a Participant: They will select either themselves or their dependent.

Select a Staff:  They will select their teacher/instructor.  The indicated staff will be allowed to edit / add performance slot details for the participant, but will not be permitted to delete the performance slot.

Enter payment method: They will select existing payment methods from their profile or enter a new payment method.

Terms and Conditions: They will agree to the Terms & Conditions you have set.


When the participant or the participants parent self-enrolls, the participant is automatically labeled as 'confirmed.'  


To learn how to create an event, you'll want to visit the knowledge base article Events Services and Event Self-BookingTo learn how to give Staff permissions to add their own students/participants to events, check out How do I invite staff to Events?