How do I invite staff to add slots and performance details to Events?

Learn how to add staff to Events and what it means to be invited to an event

It is important to first note that there is a BIG difference between Inviting Staff  to an Event, and Assigning Staff to work an Event.  


Invited Staff are allowed to enroll their own students in events.  Staff who enroll participants will be able to enter performance details for the participant, regardless of if the student self-enrolled and selected their staff/teacher or the if the staff manually enrolled them. Managers and Owners automatically have access to edit event details, so they do not need to be added.


Assigning Staff is used to schedule that Staff to work  the event, and will automatically show up in payroll.  Click here to skip to instructions on how to Assign Staff to work an event.


To Invite Staff to an event, navigate to the event > click the blue 'Invited Staff' button above the calendar > add staff > 'update'

You can also Batch email ALL invited staff from this screen using the 'Email Invited' button, or Batch email just the staff who haven't yet had any enrollments using the 'Email Not Enrolling' button.

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When staff is invited, an event is added to their profile that allows them to control the details of the performance slots.  

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Staff can manually enroll participants - here's how:

Click the 'Add Slot' button > click the empty space in the 'Name' Column as shown below > and type the students name you wish to add.   Clients enrolled by staff will need to be billed separately.

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From this screen, staff can also see/edit the custom client attributes you added to the event when building it. 

To edit performance details for a client:

Click the blank field under the column you wish to edit and you will be prompted to enter 'text', toggle '❌' or '✔️' to note 'true'/'false', upload URL/Files for the backing track, etc.


💡 Additional notes to consider:

What is the difference between the 'Staff' column and the 'Enrolled By' column?

'Staff' column Vs. 'Enrolled By' column:  

Both columns enable the ability for the user to edit performance details.  Oftentimes, a Manager/Owner creates the participant slots, but Staff/Limited Staff are required to fill in performance details.  In this case, you will see the Manager/Owner in the 'Enrolled By' column, and you'll want to add the Limited Staff to the 'Staff' column.  

Confirming participation

Limited Staff do not have the ability to confirm participation.  Only the participant/participants Account Manager and Owners/Managers can confirm participation.  If the participant is self-enrolled, they will automatically be marked as confirmed.  If admin/teacher enrolled, only the participant's account manager or an owner/manger can mark the slot as confirmed.

Assigning Performance Order

Only participants/participant Account Managers and Owners/Managers can order performances.  Limited Staff/instructors do not have permissions to order performances.


Assigning Staff/Limited Staff to work the event

When you assign Staff/Limited Staff to a session, you are adding the staff to work/attend that specific session, which will show up in their payroll. 


Some roles you may wish to add include Ushers, Sound Tech, MC, etc.


To add Staff/Limited Staff to the session they will be working, Navigate to the session you wish to add the staff/limited staff to > click the blue 'Add Staff' button > select the staff/limited staff from the dropdown menu > enter their role > click the blue 'Add Staff' button.

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To learn how to add an events service pay rate for staff, please see How do I Add/Edit Staff pay rates?