Will the price of my clients' subscriptions increase if I update the price of my services' payment plans?

This article addresses a common concern regarding the impact of updating the price of services' payment plans on clients' subscriptions.


The price of your clients' active subscriptions will not change if you update the price of your services' payment plans.

When a client enrolls in a subscription, their subscription will remain at the initial price in perpetuity unless it is manually updated on their profile or batch updated.

This grandfathering effect allows your current clients to continue their subscriptions at their current rates while enabling you to change the price of those services for new client subscriptions.


To manually change the price of your client's current subscription(s), navigate to their profile page and scroll down to the Subscriptions section.




To change the price of an active subscription, click the Update button next to the subscription you would like to update. Then, change the amount listed in the Plan section under How much should be charged? 




Once you've changed the price of the subscription, scroll down and click Update at the bottom-right of the subscription menu.




Once you've clicked Update, your client's subscription will reflect the updated price and open invoices for that subscription will automatically be re-calculated if possible.

