What is the difference between fixed and hourly staff pay rates?

Hourly rates compensate staff based on the duration of the service rendered. Fixed rates compensate staff regardless of the duration of the service.

In opus1.io, your staff may be paid a fixed or hourly rate for their services rendered.

When paid a fixed rate, your staff will be compensated the same amount irrespective of service duration. In the below example, our instructor will be paid $45 for each of the services listed below, whether the lesson lasts 30 minutes, 45 minutes, or 60 minutes. 

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When paid an hourly rate your staff will be compensated based on the duration of the services they provide relative to one hour. In the example below, our instructor will be paid $45 for his 1-hour-long services, $33.75 ($45/hour x 0.75 hours) for his 45-minute-long services, and $22 ($45/hour x 0.5 hours) for his 30-minute-long services.

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To edit a staff member's pay rates, navigate to their profile page and click update profile.

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Then scroll down to the Staff Rates section.

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To add a new staff rate, click the ADD STAFF RATES button. To edit an existing staff rate, click the edit button (the pencil icon) beside an existing staff rate. 

Here, you can specify the details of your staff's pay rate:

  • Fixed or Hourly 
  • The Amount they will be paid
  • The Services for which they will be paid the specified rate
  • Whether that rate is specific to any particular Locations
  • Whether to Count client no-shows, client cancellations, and/or late cancellations in payroll
  • If there should be a per client bonus paid to the teacher. Bonus amount applied per student. Adjusted based on duration if rate type is hourly. No shows will be counted only if "Count client no shows" is selected.
  • If there is a threshold for when the bonus starts based on number of clients. Set this value to the number of student per appointment or session date where per client bonus start. For example set to 3 if staff should get a per student bonus above 3 clients. For example if threshold is set to 3 and 6 clients are attending, staff would get (6 - 3) x bonus.
  • If there is a ceiling for when the bonus ends based on number of clients. Set this value to the maximum number of student per appointment or session date where per client bonus apply. For example if threshold is set to 3 and ceiling set to 10, and 12 clients are attending, staff would get (10 - 3) x bonus.
  • When you're finished, click the ADD button to save your staff's new pay rate.

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Finally, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the UPDATE STAFF button to save your changes.

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