What do my teachers see when they login?

This article explains how your teachers can access their schedule, view their payroll, request time off, change their password, share files and lesson notes with their students, enroll students in upcoming performing events.

As Limited Staff (
what is this?), your teachers can perform the following actions after logging in to their profiles on your opus1.io:  

    • Update / view their profile information
    • View their payroll
    • Switch to their client profile
    • Change their password
    • Manage their file library
    • Export their opus1.io calendar
    • Make and view time-off requests
    • View their upcoming teaching schedule
    • View their upcoming sessions and email the enrolled clients
    • View their upcoming events and enroll their students
    • Post client comments to their students

Watch the video above to learn more about the limited staff permissions.

Note: Staff client lists are filled dynamically according to which clients have had a lesson with that staff member in the past fifteen and next fifteen days. For example, when a client's last lesson with a staff member is more than 15 days ago, the client is automatically removed from that staff's client list and the staff will no longer be able to communicate with that client via client comments.

Note: Opus1.io does not recommend exporting individual staff calendars to external calendar services - these services often use a pre-set refresh rate for imported calendars, so your teachers may not notice recent changes to their schedule.