Staff Payroll

This article provides a guide on how to use the Staff Payroll feature within

The video below is a detailed walkthrough of the Payroll feature in and will discuss how to set up pay rates for lessons taught, common pitfalls and more advanced use cases.



Pay rates should be assigned to staff members prior to using the Staff Payroll feature within See Related articles here before using: 

The Staff Payroll Dashboard: 

The dashboard provides a concise summary of your payroll, offering a quick glance of  what is owed to your teachers and staff. It should be understood that doesn't handle payouts, taxes or withholdings. 



1. Metrics- here you will find payroll statistics. (See Payroll Statistic Definitions below)

2. Export Summary (CSV) & Export Detailed (CSV) - here, you can export a CSV file of the information currently displayed.

  • Export Summary (CSV) will generate a spreadsheet with columns ID, Staff, Events, Hours, and Amount Due, showing how much in total each staff member is owed.
  • Export Detailed (CSV) will generate a spreadsheet with columns Staff ID, Staff, Date (Start), Date / Period, Service Name, Hours, Clients, and Location for each item included in each staff member's payroll.

3. Filters - here you can filter staff payroll by date range, staff member, or location.


Note: the staff payroll page is dynamically updated such that changing your staffs' pay rate or the attendance record of a past appointment/session will be automatically updated in payroll.

Note: all events are counted in payroll, whether or not attendance was taken. If your business only pays instructors for lessons where attendance was taken, you may need to check that staff member's payroll report to see lessons where attendance was not taken.

Staff Payroll Statistics Definitions

    • Not Completed / Completed - the number of events currently displayed without and with attendance taken, respectively.
    •  Active Staff - the number of staff currently displayed on the page.
    • Canceled / Late Canceled - number of appointments/sessions that were canceled or late canceled.
    • Staff Canceled - the number of appointments/sessions that were staff canceled (never counted in payroll).
    • Total Hours - total number of hours of availability currently displayed on the page.
    • Total Hours Active - number of paid hours for events (appointments, sessions, events) currently displayed on the page.
    • Total Hours Available - number of paid hours of availability (i.e. no lessons scheduled but the staff was still paid) currently displayed on the page.
    • Paid Out - amount to be paid currently displayed on the page.  

Note: Total Hours Active + Total Hours Available  = Total Hours


If a pay rate is not set for a particular service, will indicate such with an orange caution icon. 

Screenshot 2024-04-19 at 4.26.16 PM

Viewing Additional Information: 

Within the dashboard interface, each teacher is clickable, allowing you to access a detailed breakdown of pertinent information. This includes the date of the lesson, the corresponding service, client's name, location, duration, status, and pay rate.

Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 4.14.19 PM

You can hover over the client name to indicate whether or not attendance has been taken. Additionally, you can hover over group lessons/sessions and see the list of those that have or have not completed attendance. 


Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 4.14.26 PM


Attendance can be taken right from the dashboard by clicking on the status. 

Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 5.08.36 PM

Click on "Attendance not taken". This will take you to the screen below, where attendance can be marked. 

Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 4.21.56 PM