How do I create an email template for batch emails / email campaigns?

This article explains how to create a template to use with's PLUS Campaigns feature.

Note: using rich email templates for batch/marketing emails requires PLUS subscription. 

1. Create your template

To create a template in, go to your left-hand navigation menu and go to the settings icon > templates

From there, to create a new template, click CREATE EMAIL TEMPLATE (you can also edit an existing one by clicking the desired template from the list): 

You will see a screen that looks like this: 

You can begin making edits to the template by using the right hand edit bar. To create different elements in the template (boxes for text, multiple columns, inserting an image, etc.) you'll drag and drop each element into the template where you'd like it. 

After you've dragged that element into the template, you can then edit: 

Other options for editing those elements can be found by clicking into the element, and more options will appear related to just that box on the right hand menu. Types of changes you can make include font, colors, positioning, embedding links, and more: 

2. Use the template in a campaign 

Once you have successfully created & saved a template, it is now available for you to use in both our campaigns feature as well as the batch email function from your main calendar. 

When you're beginning a new campaign there will be a dropdown menu where you can select the email template you would like to schedule: 

From there you will follow the same steps to create & schedule the campaign as you would if you had created a new email (see How do I create an email campaign?)


To use a template in a batch email, navigate to the main schedule and click the Batch Email button. Then, click the CREATE SCHEDULED CAMPAIGN button. 

Then, select your template from the Email Template field: