How do I create an email campaign?

This article explains how to set up a one-time email campaign using the PLUS campaigns feature.

To create an email campaign in, go to your left-hand navigation menu and go to the settings icon: 

Once there, click "Create Campaign"

You will choose "One-Time Campaign" and fill out the following information: 

Note that you can choose an existing template you've already created from the drop-down menu or choose to create a new one.

Once you have created the campaign, you will see this screen: 

1. Details: this is where you can edit the campaign name, the send date & time, choose email and/or SMS for the campaign type, choose an existing template, create a new template, or configure the email subject line. 

If you are creating a new template, you will click the create new link under "email template," which will take you to our template builder. Make sure to save the template once you are finished so it will be saved to the campaign you are setting up. 

2. SMS Template: if you are choosing to send a SMS in place of an email or in addition to an email, you will set the template here. 

3. Audience: this is where you set the recipients for the email campaign. 

  • Criteria - the parameters of who you wish to receive the campaign. You can choose from: 
    • Client status is
    • Clients with tags
    • Include members lost within date range
    • Include new members within date range
    • Include specific clients 
    • Exclude specific clients
    • Include clients created before date 
    • Include clients created after date 
    • Active clients with services
    • Active clients with staff
    • Clients with age less than
    • Clients with age greater than
    • Clients on waitlist for appointment services 
    • Clients on waitlist for appointment with staff
    • Adult members 
    For example, if you're wanting to send to active clients in your 30 minute piano services active between January 1, 2023 and January 1, 2024, you will select the "active clients with services" option. It will automatically ask you to select a service and a date range: 

  • Audience - those account managers and dependents that fall within the criteria that you've designated 

After you have created & set the template as well as the audience criteria, you will be able to send a test email. To do that, go to the horizontal bar the top of the page. This will send you a copy of this campaign to preview. 

After you're reviewed the test email and no additional changes are needed, you are ready to schedule the campaign. You can choose to send immediately or schedule for a later date and time. 

Note: once a campaign has been scheduled,, no further edits can be made. If you would like to make edits after scheduling the campaign, you'll need to cancel it, re-activate it, edit, and then schedule the campaign again. 

After the campaign has been sent you can view the report

This is a breakdown of how well the campaign performed. You will be able to view the following metrics: 

1. Audience
  • Total audience - the total number of account managers and dependents that were included in the audience criteria 
  • Email recipients - the total number of that audience that had email addresses on file. This number is generally smaller than total audience, as most dependents don't have email addresses on file. 
  • Marketing opt-outs - the number of audience members who did not receive the campaign because they have opted out of marketing emails 

2. Performance

  • Emails sent - again, this number can be different than the total audience as generally dependents do not have email addresses on file 
  • Emails delivered 
  • Emails opened
  • Emails failed 
  • Email views 
  • Email clicks - applies only if there are links in the sent campaign 

3. Reputation

  • Bounces 
  • Complaints - the number of those who reported the email as spam 
  • Unsubscribes