How do I assign a substitute teacher?

This article provides instructions on how to assign substitute teachers for appointments and group sessions in

You can easily assign substitute teachers to your clients' appointments and group sessions in


To assign a substitute teacher for your client's appointment, navigate to your client's profile page and scroll down to their Upcoming Schedule.

Click Update on the appointment for which you wish to assign a substitute teacher.




Here, you will see the instructor that is currently assigned to this appointment.




To change instructors, click the X button beside your instructor's name and then select a new staff member from the staff member menu.




Once you have selected a new instructor, click the Update button to save your changes. Your client, their account managers, the original instructor, and substitute will be notified of the changes via email.

If you do not wish to notify the participants (client, their account managers, the original and substitute instructors), toggle Do not notify the participants (Clients & Staff) before clicking Update to save your changes. 

If you wish for the change to apply to all future appointments, toggle Apply change(s) to future visits (Location, Room, Staff and/or asme day time change) before clicking Update to save your changes.

Now, on your client's Upcoming Schedule you will see that they have a substitute instructor for their upcoming appointment.


Alternatively, you can schedule substitute instructors for appointments by going to the instructor's profile and updating appointments from their Upcoming Schedule. Select the appointment from their schedule for which you'd like to assign a substitute.



Following the same procedure as above, you change instructors by clicking the X button next to the current instructor's name, selecting a new instructor from the drop-down menu, and then clicking Update at the bottom-right corner of the appointment window.

The appointment will then disappear from the original instructor's schedule and appear on the schedule of the substitute, and the participants will be notified via email. 




You can assign a substitute instructor for group sessions by navigating to the session for which you would like to assign a substitute and clicking on the session listed on the calendar.




Following the same procedure as above, you change instructors by clicking the X button next to the current instructor's name, selecting a new instructor from the drop-down menu, and then clicking Update at the bottom-right corner of the session window. The participants will be notified of the changes.

If you would like to assign a substitute instructor for all future sessions of this group class, click Apply changes to future visits before clicking the Update button.



If you need to assign a substitute for a day's worth of lessons, see our tutorial on using batch update from the main schedule.