How do I add tags to staff profiles?

Tagging staff members is an additional way for clients to see information about the teacher at self-booking. You can tag earned degrees, languages they know, specialties, etc.

1. Navigate to the All Staff page via the staff icon from the top of the menu on the left.

Screenshot 2023-08-04 at 12.19.12 PM

2. Search for and select the staff member you would like to edit to access their profile.

Screenshot 2023-08-04 at 12.20.13 PM

3. Select the pencil edit icon in the top left of their profile.

Screenshot 2023-08-04 at 12.21.05 PM

4. Scroll towards the bottom below Staff Role.

Screenshot 2023-08-04 at 12.21.48 PM

5. Create tags for the teachers by adding categories and tags. Once you have added the desired tags, scroll down and click Update to save your changes.

Screenshot 2023-08-04 at 12.23.19 PM

6. Review the tags on the self-booking links (for more info on creating self booking links check out Creating Self Booking Links)

Screenshot 2023-08-04 at 12.27.08 PM 1

You can also filter by staff tags on the All Staff page: