Creating Self-Booking Links

This article explains how to create a Self-Booking Links (Self-Booking Link Checklist, Calls To Action)


Self-booking links can be created for any combination of services, locations, and instructors. Watch the video above to learn how to set up self-booking links for your business step-by-step with 


Self-Booking Link Checklist: 

To properly configure your self-booking links, the following checklist is provided in case your self-booking links are not functioning as expected. 

  1. Have I entered open hours for my locations?
  2. Have I entered appointment availabilities for my staff?
  3. Have I made my services visible to clients and/or visitors?
  4. Have I enabled my payment plans for self-booking?

Calls To Action:

When creating a self-booking link, you have the option to enable a Call to action. When toggled, the Call to Action Title will be displayed on clients' empty schedules.

