Reporting: Subscriptions

A guide to the Subscriptions Reporting feature on

To access the Subscriptions Reporting page: On the left sidebar, click on the Reporting Page by clicking on the 'Reporting Icon' > Select Subscriptions

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  1. Search Filters: Utilize the search filters to refine the displayed subscriptions
    1. Date Range Filter: starting between or ending between a specified date range

    2. Status Filter: Active, Pending, Ended, or On-hold

      Subscription Statuses Definitions

      Active subscriptions are subscriptions that are generating invoices for ongoing appointments/sessions. Clients with active subscriptions will be assigned the client status 'Member' automatically so long as their subscription remains active.

      Pending subscriptions are subscriptions that will become active in the future. Clients with pending subscriptions are assigned the client status 'Member' automatically at the moment of subscription creation. 

      Ended subscriptions are subscriptions that are not generating invoices. When appointment-based subscriptions are ended, they no longer generate events on your clients' schedules. Session-based subscriptions are ended when the client's subscription is manually ended by an admin or the last date of the session has passed.

      On-hold subscriptions are subscriptions to which a subscription hold has been applied. To learn more about subscription holds, click here

    3. Location Filter

    4. Client Filter

    5. Payer Filter

    6. Payment Plan Name Filter

    7. Base Price Filter

By using these filters effectively, you can generate customized subscription reports that align with your specific requirements. This enables you to analyze subscription data based on different criteria, such as date, status, location, client, payer, payment plan, and base price. This level of flexibility empowers you to gain valuable insights into your subscriptions and track performance.

2. Subscription Reporting Buttons

a. Batch Update: Used to update a group of subscriptions at once.

b. Load Everything: displays all subscriptions matching the criteria specified by your filters.

c. Refresh

d. Export CSV: To generate a CSV file of the currently displayed subscriptions.

3. Stats: this section provides an overview of currently displayed subscriptions. Clicking Load Everything will update stats to account for all matching subscriptions. Here you will find the number of currently displayed active, pending, and ended subscriptions, as well as the total number of subscriptions.

4. View Button:

You can click the View button on an individual subscription report to view the details of your client's subscription. 
