Session Enrollment Stats's Session Enrollment Stats page allows you to track enrollment statistics for your sessions/group classes.

1-May-27-2023-09-50-35-4491-PM's Session Enrollment Stats page tracks enrollment statistics for your session-based services, i.e. group classes.

At the top of the page, you will find statistics including the number of sessions, the total number of clients enrolled, the total session capacity, the number of full sessions, and the overall combined fill rate for your sessions. All statistics are for the last 30 days through the next 90 days (this means that your fill rate may be higher than the max session capacity if the total number of unique clients from the last 30 to next 90 days exceeds the individual session date capacity).

You can click on a session listed under Session Name or a staff listed under Staff to navigate to the corresponding session page or staff profile, respectively.