Sending Combined Proposal-Appointment Holds

The article explains the process of sending a combined proposal and appointment hold using the platform. It states that staff members can reserve an appointment slot and send a proposal simultaneously.

Sending Combined Proposal-Appointment Holds allows staff to send a proposal and apply an appointment hold to reserve that appointment slot simultaneously.  Note: Holds for Session based proposals are not currently supported.


To send a combined proposal-appointment hold, click Book Appointment at the top of the window. Next, fill in the details of their prospective enrollment, then click Book Appointment at the bottom-right of the booking interface.




On the next page, click the Send As Proposal button.



Here you may provide a message to be included with the appointment quote to be sent to the client's account managers. If you also wish to hold the appointment slot for your client while they decide whether to enroll, toggle on Hold appointment? (2) and set a hold expiration date, after which the slot will become available to other clients for booking.



Optionally, you may also provide an alternative self-booking link to be shown on the booking confirmation page to the client's account managers in case they decide they want a different appointment slot. To do so, toggle on Offer alternative booking options? (1) and select a self-booking link from your Business's existing self-booking links.


When you are ready to send the proposal, click the purple Send button at the bottom of the Send A Proposal interface.   


Watch the video above to learn step-by-step how to use's combined proposal-appointment hold feature with alternative self-booking links.