Reporting: Attendance

Appointment and Session Attendance Reporting

The attendance report is viewable by staff users with the following staff roles:

  • Owner
  • Manager
  • Staff

To access the Attendance report, navigate to the last icon in the left hand menu. Use the following steps to filter, download and read the report.


1. Search Filters. Here you can filter your attendance records by date, client, staff, attendance status, status (client cancelled, staff cancelled, late cancelled), and service.

2. Load / Export. Click Load Everything to see all attendance records that match the criteria specified by your search filters. Click Export CSV to generate a CSV of displayed attendance records.

3. Stats. Here you will find the number of visits, unique clients, unpaid visits, and paid visits currently displayed on the attendance reporting page.

View details within appointments and sessions

You can click the View button on an individual attendance report to generate the details of an attendance record, where you can view an activity history of attendance and change attendance from Attended to No Show.
