My business has multiple locations. What are my options?

The article discusses the options available for businesses with multiple locations on It emphasizes that there are different ways to set up such businesses and that the most suitable option depends on the specific needs of each business

There are different ways to set up your business on if you have multiple locations. Depending on the needs of your business, one option may be more effective than the other. 

Option 1: Separate Businesses

If your different business locations are separate businesses (i.e. completely separate legal entities, separate branding, not sharing clients/staff/managers, etc.), we would recommend setting up each location as separate businesses on

They can all be accessed easily with a separate URL, without logging in again.

Each account would be managed separately and have its own configuration to manage.

Option 2: One Business With Multiple Locations

If your business locations are operated by the same team/managers, share clients, or teachers they can all be under the same business, as a separate location.

It simplifies the management of the account Invoices, transactions, payroll, etc., can still be broken down by location for reporting purposes.

Teachers, staff, and clients would be the same for all locations.

For example, a client from one location could use their makeup credits to book lessons at another location.

Additionally, we can also support splitting payment processing with both Stripe and Clover Connect across separate bank accounts per location Note: this has to be set up by our team initially, so please contact us if that is the way you want it handled. Switching from a single processing account to multiple processing accounts, later on, will incur professional services fees.