How-To: Using Service Duplication and Batch Duplication To Create Your Services

Guidance on how to use service duplication and batch duplication to create your services

Using Service Duplication & Batch Duplication To Set Up Your Business


Setting up your business's services is convenient and easy with The general process for setting up your services is as follows:


1. Start with a base of 3 services.

We recommend creating a trial, private lesson, and makeup lesson appointment service each for one type of instrument of one duration, e.g. create three services: "Piano Private Trial Lesson 30 Minutes," "Piano Private Lesson 30 Minutes," and "Piano Private Makeup Lesson 30 minutes."


2. Duplicate Your Services For Different Durations.

From here, you'll use the Duplicate button to copy each type of service into identical services of different durations.

In this case, we would duplicate our "Piano Private Trial Lesson 30 minutes" service twice, creating "Piano Private Trial Lesson 45 Minutes" and "Piano Private Trial Lesson 60 Minutes," and then applying that same process to both "Piano Private Lesson 30 Minutes" and "Piano Private Makeup Lesson 30 Minutes" to create 45- and 60-minute duration versions of those services.

Make sure to change each new service's settings to reflect the change in duration.


3. Use Batch Duplicate to Create Services For Multiple Instruments.

Once your initial base of services has been duplicated into the services that cover the service durations you offer at your business, you will use Batch Duplicate to duplicate each of your services into versions of that service for multiple different instruments.

Note that you will have to manually adjust both a service's cancellation policy & service conversion settings, as these settings are not automatically set when batch duplicating for multiple instruments


(Read here for more information)


Follow along with the video above to learn step-by-step how to use service duplication and batch duplication to quickly and efficiently create your services for your business on