How do I set up semi-private services?

In this article, we'll guide you through the optimal configuration for handling semi-private lessons, addressing common challenges, and providing a comprehensive solution using's features.

What are Semi-Private Lessons?

Semi-private lessons refer to private-style instruction with two or more participants, typically involving a more personalized approach than group settings.

Challenges with Appointment Services:

Some schools might assume that semi-private lessons can be set up using appointment services, given the private nature of the instruction. However, this approach comes with several challenges:

  • Cancellation and Makeup Challenges: Handling cancellations and makeup lessons becomes intricate with appointment-based semi-privates, especially when dealing with students who may need individual makeup sessions.
  • Payroll Complications: Double booking appointments can create payroll problems, as teachers might get paid twice for the same time slot, leading to complex payment structures.
  • Limitations in Self-Booking: Double booking doesn't support self-booking, restricting the flexibility for students to schedule their semi-private lessons.
  • Makeup Session Issues: Makeup sessions can still be problematic, as the system may treat cancellations as individual lessons, causing confusion.

The Optimal Solution: Session Services

The recommended and most effective way to set up semi-private lessons in Opus is by using session services. Here's why:

  • Cancellation Settings: Sessions offer the same cancellation settings as appointments, allowing flexibility for one participant to cancel while the other attends.
  • Payroll Management: Sessions avoid payroll complexities associated with double booking, ensuring accurate and straightforward payment for teachers.
  • Generalizability: Session services cover all cases, whether participants are members of the same family or unrelated, making it a versatile and comprehensive solution.
  • Reduced Service Setup: Unlike appointments, where you may need to create multiple services for each semi-private variation, session services require fewer setups, streamlining the process.
  • Batch Enrollment: Batch enrolling unrelated students in sessions is possible, saving time during setup.

Implementation Steps:

To set up semi-private lessons using session services:

  • Create a session service for the desired duration (e.g., 30, 45, or 60 minutes). 
  • Specify a session name that indicates the type of lesson (e.g., Piano Semi-Private Lesson).
  • Schedule weekly dates for the session, enroll participants, and assign a teacher.

This approach ensures a smooth and flexible system for managing semi-private lessons without the complications associated with other methods.

If you’re setting up a session-based service for the first time, you can refer to this video for step-by-step instructions:

If you have further questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team at