How To Add A Messaging Disclaimer to Your Client Comments provides the option to include a messaging disclaimer in your business's client comments section. By adding a disclaimer, you can set clear expectations for clients regarding lesson-related communications. supports adding a messaging disclaimer to your business's client comments section. Disclaimers are typically added to ensure that clients understand expectations for lesson-related communications/lesson notes/instructor response times.

To add a client comments disclaimer, go to your Business Settings.

Click the gear icon and select Business.

Under the General tab, click the Edit button (the pencil icon) for Business Settings.

Scroll down to the section titled Client Posting Disclaimer.

Here you can add a message that will be displayed to clients when messaging via client comments.

When you've added a client posting disclaimer, click Update Business to save your changes.

Your disclaimer will be displayed at the bottom of the client comments interface when your clients are sending messages via client comments.