How do my teachers enroll their students in a recital? allows teachers to independently enroll their students in recitals, competitions, and performances through events-based services.

Teachers can enroll their own students in your recitals, competitions, and performances using events-based services in

To enable your teachers to enroll their students in your events-based services you must invite your teachers to the event.

To invite your teachers click the Invited Staff button on your event page.



Here, you'll specify the staff you want to invite by selecting their names from the Invited Staff field.




Once you've selected the teachers you want to invite to your event, click the Update button.




Now your teachers can begin enrolling their students in your event.

As a teacher, you can enroll your own students in an event once you've been invited. To enroll your students in an event, log in to your profile.

You will see a section titled Upcoming Events beneath your profile picture.

To enroll your students, click the View Event button next to the recital in which your students will be enrolled.




You'll be taken to a calendar view where you can see upcoming event sessions.

Click one of the sessions on the calendar to begin enrolling.




Once you've selected a session you will be navigated to the page below.

To enroll a student in an event session, click the Add Slot button.

You will be able to select the student enrolling from among your own students and specify the program information specified by the recital event. 




Once you've enrolled your student(s), they will receive a notification when they login to confirm their booking for the event.

