How do I transfer a client to another session?

Transferring Clients to Different Sessions: How to Reassign Clients to Another Session


Session Transfers

  • Session Transfer allows you to easily transfer a client from one session to another, either within the same service or to another service.
  • How it works: Session transfer ends the current session service subscription and starts a new subscription for the new session.
  • What you need to know: does not automate billing changes/discounts during session transfers, therefore discounts/changes to the new subscription's invoice may be necessary depending on the new session's price, a difference of sessions per month, etc.


How to use Session Transfer:

Session transfer can be used from the main schedule, the session view, or from a client's profile. To begin a session transfer, click on the session date (or on the Update button from a client's profile) on which you wish to initiate the transfer. __The client will be unenrolled from this date.__



Then, click the "X" button next to the client whom you wish to transfer.




Then, click Transfer to another session to begin a session transfer.


3-May-27-2023-06-13-42-3507-PMClick Transfer to Another Session


Here, you can select another session service or another session within the same service. After that, select the first session date of the new session subscription. By default, the current session subscription will be set to end on the session date out of which the client is being transferred.


4-May-27-2023-06-14-22-1100-PMSelect details of the session transfer


Once you are ready, click Payment to proceed to checkout.


5-May-27-2023-06-15-38-5694-PMClick Payment to Proceed to Checkout


As noted above, does not assume that billing ought to be handled in a specific way during session transfers. Therefore, you may need to adjust the new subscription invoice before completing the transfer. Click Add A Discount to adjust the new subscription invoice. Once you're done, click either Enroll and Pay Now, Enroll and Pay Later, or (shown below) Enroll and Close Now to complete the transfer.


6-May-27-2023-06-16-54-3780-PMFinalize Billing Before Checkout


Navigating back to the client's profile, we see that we successfully transferred the client from one session to another.


7-May-27-2023-06-17-20-2553-PMThe completed transfer