How do I take attendance?

This article explains how to take attendance allows attendance to be taken for appointments and group sessions.

Taking Attendance - General

In general, when taking attendance, you can take attendance up to one hour before an appointment or session

By default, limited staff cannot take attendance for their own appointments. If you would like your limited staff to be able to take their own attendance, see our documentation on customizing limited staff permissions.  

Attendance may be taken on a client's profile page or on the calendar.

Attendance is used to calculate payroll. If attendance is not taken for an appointment or session, your teachers may not be paid for that appointment or session.

To take attendance on a client's profile, scroll down to the section titled Upcoming Schedule. Beside the appointment for which you wish to take attendance, click Update.


 Here you can take attendance at the bottom-left corner of the window:


Once you've selected "Attended" or "No show," attendance will be saved automatically. 

To take attendance on the calendar, find and select the appointment for which you wish to take attendance. 


Here you can take attendance at the bottom-left corner of the window:


Once you've selected "Attended" or "No show," attendance will be saved automatically.


Additionally, you can take batch attendance on the calendar from the buttons on the left side of the calendar view.


Additionally, you can take batch attendance for an entire day of appointments and sessions. Batch attendance cannot be taken ahead of time and can only be taken for one day at a time. 

From the calendar, navigate to the day for which you wish to take batch attendance. Batch attendance can be taken from the staff, room, and service views. Click the Batch Attendance button to take batch attendance.


To proceed with taking batch attendance, click the OK button. Note that this will mark all appointments / sessions for which attendance has not yet been taken as Attended. Appointments and sessions for which attendance has already taken will not be affected.



Taking Attendance - LessonMate and No Show

Two attendance statuses can be marked more than one hour before an appointment or session - No show and LessonMate.

The No show attendance status is used for sessions and may be marked more than one hour in advance of the session. This status is used to note that a client / student has notified your studio ahead of time that they will not be attending their session.


The LessonMate attendance status is used to indicate that a client has requested a LessonMate video lesson for their appointment or session and may be marked more than one hour in advance of the appointment or session. 


The LessonMate status must be enabled using our LessonMate integration - if you would like us to enable the LessonMate integration for your music school or business, please contact