How do I Sync with Google Calendar?

Your instructors can sync their schedule to their Google Calendar so they can easily and more effectively access their schedule.

In, clients and staff have the option to sync their appointments/sessions to their Google Calendar.  This feature is not intended for owners to sync ALL appointments/sessions for your entire business, and will only work for individual clients and staff.


Watch the video and/or follow the instructions below the video to learn how to sync your schedule with Google Calendar.


When logged into as Staff/Limited Staff member, navigate to the left-hand menu bar and click the 'Sync my Calendar' button as displayed below.


A pop-up will appear with a green toggle.  In most cases, you will want to keep this toggled on

If toggled on: Staff may also be enrolled classes.  When toggled on, all appointments/session the employee is teaching AND appointments/sessions the employee is enrolled in will be synced to the Google Calendar. 

If toggled off: Only the appointments/sessions the employee is enrolled in as a student will be synced to the Google Calendar.


Screenshot 2023-11-21 at 12.34.15 PMPress 'Get Calendar Sync Link.'  


3-Nov-21-2023-05-42-41-1754-PMClick 'proceed.' A new calendar sync link will be generated which will invalidate any previously generated links.  



If Google Calendar is the default Calendar on your device:  Click 'Open my Calendar to Sync' 



If another Calendar is the default Calendar on your device: 

1. Click 'Open my Calendar to Sync' 

2. Copy the URL in the pop-up window

3. Navigate to your Google Calendar

4. Press the '+' next to 'Other Calendars'


5. Select 'From URL'

6. Paste the link that was previously copied to your clipboard 

7. Replace the beginning of the URL.  Change 'webcal://' to 'https://'

8. Press 'Add Calendar' and navigate out of the Calendar settings and back to the Calendar view.


All appointments/sessions are now visible from your Google Calendar!
