How do I spotlight certain services on the Today Dashboard?

The article provides step-by-step instructions how to spotlight your services on the Today Dashboard

You can choose appointments or sessions of your services to 'spotlight' in

Upcoming lessons of these services will appear in the Spotlight section of Today's dashboard.


In the example above, our Spotlight section shows that there are three trial lessons today.   

To enable your services to appear in the Spotlight section of Today's dashboard, navigate to that service's settings and toggle on Should appointments or session date of that service be spotlighted on Today's dashboard?



This setting can also be batch-updated from the Services page.

To batch update your services to appear in the Spotlight section of Today's Dashboard, navigate to the Services page and filter by search term or tag.

In the example below, we will spotlight our trial services.


Next, click the Batch Update button and search for Should appointments or session date of that service be spotlighted on Today's dashboard?


Toggle on Should appointments or session date of that service be spotlighted on Today's dashboard? and click Batch Update to enable your services to appear in the Spotlight section of Today's dashboard.