How do I set up an availability block?

This article explains how you can define an availability block for your teacher.

You can block your teachers' availabilities in

Clients will not be able to self-book appointments or group sessions with your teacher when their availabilities are blocked.

Blocked availabilities are only needed to override existing availabilities, i.e. to prevent your teacher from being available for lessons when they normally would be. By default, in if your teacher is not explicitly available then they are assumed to be unavailable.   


Note: staff, managers, and owners can always override blocked availabilities, or book an appointment/session when a teacher is not available, though a warning may be issued. 

You can set up availability blocks on both your teachers' profiles and on the main calendar.  


To set up an availability block on your teachers' profiles, navigate to their profiles and click the Update Profile button to the left of their profile picture.




Scroll down to Unavailable Hours/Days. To set up an availability block, click Add Unavailable Hours/Days. 




Here you can define an availability block for your teacher.

Under Type, you can specify either 'Specific Date' or 'Multiple Dates' depending on how long you want to block your teacher's availability.

Under Date, you can specify a date or date(s) on which your teacher's availability will be blocked. Then, you'll specify a Timezone and the Time Range for your availability block, and then toggle on / off Should the staff be compensated during this blocked time?

Once you've set up your teacher's availability block, click the Add button.




Your teacher's availability block has been added to their Unavailable Hours/Days. To save your changes, scroll down and click Update Staff at the bottom of the page.




To set up an availability block from the main calendar view, navigate to your calendar and select Day View - By Staff.

Make sure to toggle on Staff Availabilities to see when your staff is available.




You can click and drag in the small margin to the right of each staff's availability to create an availability block directly on the calendar.




From there you can choose Block Staff Availability and you will be navigated to your staff's profile to add an availability block as above.

