How do I set an age range for a specific session?

This article will explain how to add an age range to a specific session. now supports per-session age range. These will override the service-level age range, if set. This allows for session services where they overall age range may include sessions with narrowly defined age ranges, e.g. a service for ages 10-16 where sessions are broken down into age groups of 10-11, 12-13, 14-15, etc.


1. Start by navigating to your service page. Then click the "Sessions" tab.


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2. Click on the particular session you'd like to set an age range for: 


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3. At the top of the calendar view, click "Edit Session".


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4. Select the age range by toggling the options below.  Click "Submit".


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5.  An age range will now be visible and enforced at self-booking: 


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