How do I set a class size for a specific session?

This article explains how to set a max capacity for a specific session which overrides the service-level capacity, if set.

By default, the maximum capacity for a session is set at the service level. However, allows you to set a maximum capacity for a specific session that overrides the service-level capacity if set.

Setting the class size for an individual session can be useful for multiple reasons, e.g. one particular session is held in a smaller class room than the other sessions, so you have less room for clients.

To set the class size for an individual session as you're creating the session, toggle on How many clients can attend a class or appointment of this session? while creating a new session.

Class sizes of previously created sessions can also be changed by navigating to the session and clicking the Edit Session button above the session calendar. 

You will notice that this will be enforced at Self-Booking and will limit the open slots for clients to book.

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