How do I optimize my teachers' schedules?

This article provides guidance on optimizing teachers' schedules using The platform offers a feature that optimizes teachers' schedules when clients self-book appointments and sessions. can optimize your teachers' schedules when clients go to self-book appointments and sessions. This helps ensure that self-booked lessons do not create inefficient gaps in your teachers' schedules.  


To enable schedule optimization, navigate to the Services page and click Update on the service for which you wish to enable schedule optimization. Schedule optimization is enabled on a per-service basis but can also be batch updated.




Under the General tab, scroll down to the Calendar section and click the Edit button (the pencil icon).




Scroll down to the setting labeled Schedule Optimization Strategy.




Click the drop-down menu and select Minimize gaps




1. Minimize gaps - this setting enables to recommend optimal appointment slots when admins are enrolling clients in appointment-based services (see example below).




2. Enforce schedule optimization for self-booking - this setting enforces schedule optimization at self-booking so that clients can only self-enroll into available slots prioritized according to Max Scheduling Gap (see example below).




3. Max scheduling gap - defines the maximum scheduling gap permitted between your staff's booked future appointments and availability slots displayed to clients when self-booking.


When you are finished setting a schedule optimization strategy for your services, click Update Service to save your changes.