How do I mark SMS conversations as closed?

This article explains how to mark SMS conversations as Closed in, indicating no further action needed.

In, SMS conversations are either Active or Closed. Closed conversations are conversations that need no further action or reply, while active conversations may need to be read, reviewed, or replied to. 

First, you can filter for only Active chats by clicking the "Show Active Only" toggle next to Conversations. 



To Close an active conversation, locate the "✔️" in the upper right section of the chat and click it. 


Please note that a closed conversation will become Active if the recipient responds after it has been closed. Similarly, sending a message in a closed conversation will also reactivate that conversation.

Lastly, admins can see how many Active chats they have currently from anywhere in Opus by locating the SMS icon in the top right of their window, next to their profile button. The number on the icon indicates how many Active chats there are.
