How do I make my services visible to clients/visitors?

Services that are not visible to clients/visitors will not be available for self-booking/proposals and will only visible by managers and owners.


By default in, services are set to be visible to clients and visitors. Services that are not visible to clients/visitors are 1) not self-bookable (for trials, recurring lessons, make-ups, etc.) and 2) are not visible to any user except managers and owners. In most cases, services should be set to visible to clients and (if you plan to offer self-booking) to visitors. In cases where a service requires explicit staff approval to enroll and does not offer self-booked makeups, a service may be made invisible to visitors / clients if necessary.

From the Services page, click Update on the service you would like to make visible/invisible to clients/visitors. Under the General tab, click the Update button (the pencil icon) in the Details section of the service. 



Scroll down until you see Can visitors see this service? and Can clients see this service? - to make your service visible to clients and/or visitors, toggle the aforementioned settings on or off, then scroll down and click Update Service to save your changes. 
