How do I make a dependent into an account manager?

The article demonstrates how to make a dependent an account manager within

A dependent is any client with an account manager. In some cases, the dependent is an adult who is having their lessons paid for by another adult. In order to make a dependent into an account manager so that they can manage their own accounts, follow these steps below: 


1. Navigate to the dependent's profile and click the pencil edit icon on the top left

Screenshot 2024-09-11 at 1.43.58 PM

2. In the Account Managers section, click the (x) on the client's name to remove them as the account manager. Click 'Update'

Screenshot 2024-09-11 at 1.44.29 PM

3. If the client is already enrolled in lessons, be sure to go into their subscription to designate the ex-dependent as the primary payer: 

Screenshot 2024-09-11 at 1.45.42 PM

Finally, scroll down and click 'Update' to save changes to the subscription.