How do I enter availability for my staff?

This article explains how do you enter availability for your staff


You can assign availability for your staff members by navigating to their profile and clicking 'Update Profile' (the pencil icon to the left of their profile picture).




Under Available Hours/Days, you can add your staff member's availability - their available hours and days, their services, and the pay rate for those services.

Click the purple 'Add Available Hours/Days' button to add a new staff availability. 




Here, you can configure your staff member's availability.  Each staff member can have multiple availabilities.


You can assign availability for a specific date/time (see image below), or you can assign availability across multiple dates/times and set that availability to repeat weekly or daily with a specific end date.


Single Date Availability:


Multi-Date Availability 



You must assign a location for each availability.

Assigning a room is optional and if left blank will be assigned at booking based on availability.

At the bottom of the menu assign services to your staff's availability.

Additionally, you can specify a base pay rate for availabilities when not providing a service (in the US, this requirement varies from state to state).




Once you're done, click the blue 'Add' button.

When finished, make sure to click 'Update Staff' at the bottom of the page to save your staff's new availabilities.


You can also edit existing availabilities by clicking the edit icon on the right side of the Available Hours/Days block (the icon with the pencil and square).



Note: users with Limited Staff and Staff roles cannot change their own availabilities - the ability to change staff availabilities is limited to users with Manager and Owner roles.