How do I ensure make-ups are only booked with the staff of the original lesson?

This article explains how to ensure make-up lessons are only booked with the staff member assigned to the original lesson.

To configure your services such that make-ups are only book-able with the original assigned teacher, navigate to the your Services page and click the Update button on the make-up service you wish to update. Then, under the General tab, click the Edit icon on the Details section of the service settings.

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Scroll down to the setting Should clients using a credit forthis service be limited to the staff member(s) assigned to the credit? - toggle this switch On (green).

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Be sure to click UPDATE SERVICE to save your changes.  

It should be noted that this setting also applies in the case where a substitute was assigned. If the lesson with the sub is cancelled, the make-up credit will only be bookable with the substitute unless the credit is updated to another staff.


To manually issue credits, navigate to the student's profile and head to the Credits section. Click Add Credit

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After the credit is added, you can assign a staff member to the credit by clicking UPDATE.

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Use the dropdown menu to select the assigned staff: 

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Be sure to click UPDATE to save your changes.