How do I enable sibling discounts?

This article explains how to enable sibling discounts in The platform offers automated sibling discounts, which can be set up within a payment plan. supports automated sibling discounts. Sibling discounts, when enabled in a payment plan, are applied to a client's subscription if and only if they have a sibling or peer with an active subscription. Among a group of siblings/peers, the client with the oldest active subscription is taken to be the 'original,' thus making the remaining siblings/peers eligible for automatic sibling discounts.

There are two ways to enable sibling discounts. 

1. Enabling Automatic Sibling Discounts By Payment Plan

Under your service's settings, navigate to the Payment tab. Click the Update button on the payment plan for which you wish to enable automatic sibling discounts. 


By how much should the subscription be discounted if more than one siblings are active members determines how much of a discount each sibling enrolled using that payment plan receives if they have another sibling with an already-active membership.


When sibling discounts are set through a service's payment plan, all clients enrolled in that payment plan are automatically enabled to be eligible for the specified sibling discount.


2. Enabling Automatic Sibling Discounts By Subscription

Alternatively, you can specify an individual sibling discount on a client's subscription.

To enable an individual sibling discount, navigate to your client's profile and scroll down to the Subscriptions section.

Click the Update button on the subscription to which you would like to apply a sibling discount. As above, By how much should the subscription be discounted if more than one siblings are active members determines how much of a discount this client will receive if they have a sibling/peer with an already-active subscription.

Once you have specified the amount of sibling discount for which this subscription is eligible, scroll down and click Update to save your changes.
