How do I enable my payment plans for self-booking?

Enabling plans for self-booking allows your clients to use the enabled plans on self-booking links, proposals, and waitlist appointment notifications.

The following payment plan types can be enabled for self-booking:

  • Appointments
    • Membership with recurring visits and payments (weekly and biweekly)
    • Single Visit
  • Sessions
    • Full Session Payment
    • Recurring Payment / Membership for session
    • Per-visit payment
    • Single Visit
  • Events
    • One-time event participant payment

To enable your service's payment plan for self-booking, navigate to your Services page and click Update on the service for which you wish to enable payment plans for self-booking. 


Next, navigate to the Payment tab.

Click the Edit button (the pencil icon) to edit your payment plans.


To enable a payment plan for self-booking, click the Enable for Self-Booking button, then click Update Service to save your changes.

Once your service's payment plans have been enabled for self-booking, those plans are able to be used on self-booking links, proposals, and appointment waitlist notifications by clients to enroll in your services.