How do I email a group of students?

The article explains the process of sending batch emails to a group of students using It highlights that supports the functionality of sending emails to multiple clients simultaneously.

How to use's batch email feature to email a group of clients. supports sending batch emails to clients.

Batch emails can be sent to clients at a particular location, enrolled in specified service(s), attending in a specific room, etc.


There are several ways to send batch emails in


1. From The Main Calendar

2. Within A Session Service

3. Within An Event Service From The Main Calendar

To send a batch email from the main calendar, click Show Filters.


From The Main Calendar



The Email All Clients button will allow you to send a batch email to all clients (and their account managers) whose appointments/sessions are currently on the calendar.

To refine the list of clients who will receive your batch email, filter by location, service, or room, or switch from day to week or month view or view calendar by roomservice, or staff.

Once you have filtered for the subset of clients you wish to email, click the Email All Clients button.




Opus will then generate a batch of email addresses with all recipients in BCC.

Click Email Batch 1 and Opus will open your browser's default email client with all recipients in BCC, or click Copy emails to Clipboard to copy all email addresses in BCC to paste into an email client.

If many recipient addresses are included in the batch email, the addresses may be separated into separate batches.




Within A Session Service 

You can email all clients of a session of a session-based service with

To send a batch email to all clients of a session, navigate to the session page and click Batch Email Session Clients.




You can then specify a date range for which all clients (and their account managers) will be included as recipients of the batch email.

Once you are ready, click Email Batch 1 or Copy emails to Clipboard to send your batch email.




Within An Event Service

You can email all clients and staff of an event of an events-based service with To send a batch email to all clients and staff of an event, navigate to the event page and click Batch Email Clients / Staff




You can filter by status (checked-in, confirmed, declined, invited, change requested), and choose whether to include enrolled slots, waitlist slots, clients, and enrolling staff as recipients of the batch email.

Once you are ready, click Email Batch 1 to send a batch email.

