How do I customize the subject line of the Google review prompt email?

This article explains how to customize the subject line of Google review prompt emails sent by

This feature allows PLUS subscribers to customize the subject line of Google review prompt emails sent by Well-written subject lines increase the chances of clients responding to requests for Google reviews, which in turn increases your SEO ranking as customer leave positive reviews for your business.

To find the Google review prompt template, go to your business settings > templates

Next, scroll down to the Marketing Plus section and click the pencil icon to edit. 

Make sure you have Enable Google Review Prompt enabled.

Then, scroll down to the Google Review Prompt Email Subject field. Here you can edit the subject line of the Google review prompt email. Additionally, you can the content of the Google review prompt email in the Google Review Prompt field. 

Once you've finished making those changes, be sure to click UPDATE BUSINESS to save your changes.