How do I create conditional questions for my registration and lead forms?

This article explains how to create conditional questions on /register an /lead, which determine available answers to subsequent questions on /register and /lead. supports conditional questions on your registration and lead forms. This allows answers to previous questions on your registration and lead forms to limit available answers to subsequent questions. This is useful when, for example, your business includes multiple locations and certain instruments are only available at particular locations. On your lead and registration forms, it is desirable that if a client indicates they are interested in Location A that only instruments available at that location are given as possible answers to the question "What instrument(s) are you interested in?" 

Note: the lead form is only available to PLUS subscribers, but conditional questions are available on both the lead and registration forms. 

To create conditional questions for your lead or registration form, navigate to your Business settings by hovering over the gear icon on the left menu and clicking Business

To add conditional questions to your registration form, navigate to the Business Settings section under the General tab. To add conditional questions to your lead form, navigate to the CRM settings under the General tab. Then click the Edit button (the pencil icon). 

In the example below, we will be adding a conditional question ("What instrument are you interested in?") with possible answers determined by a prior question ("What location are you interested in?"). 

To add conditional questions to your registration and/or lead forms, you must include a Single Selection question field. This field will be linked to the Conditional Selection field to determine possible answers to the conditional question. 

To add a single selection question field, click the ADD CUSTOM FIELD BUTTON. 

Next, enter the following information for your single selection custom field: 

1. Custom field name - the question clients will answer on the register/lead form.
2. Custom field type - choose Single Selection
3. Toggles - toggle ON (green) Show on Form, Required, and Auto-tag based on client selection (optional). 
4. Add your options - add your answers to this single selection field. Because this is a single selection field, clients can only choose one of the possible options.
5 Assign to client custom attribute (optional) - if the client's answer to this question should be stored in a client custom attribute under their client profile, specify the client custom attribute where their answer will be stored. 

Next, click ADD CUSTOM FIELD to create a conditional question whose possible answers are determined by the answer given to the prior single selection question ("What location are you interested in?")

Enter the following information for your conditional selection custom field:
1. Custom field name - the question clients will answer on the register/lead form.
2. Custom field type - choose Conditional Selection
3. Toggles - toggle ON (green) Show on Form, Required, and Auto-tag based on client selection (optional). 
4. Add your options - add all possible answers to this custom selection field. Because this is a conditional selection field, answers available are determined by the answer given to the linked single selection field.
5. Link to single selection field - select a single selection field to add conditions to. Here, we're linking the single selection question "What location are you interested in?" to the conditional selection question "What instrument are you interested in?"
6. Define conditional answers - here, you will see possible answers to the linked single selection question. For each possible single selection answer, select the possible answers available for the conditional selection field question. In the example below, answers to the question "What location are you interested in?" determine what answers are available for the question "What instrument are you interested in?"
5 Assign to client custom attribute (optional) - if the client's answers to this question should be stored in a client custom attribute under their client profile, specify the client custom attribute where their answer will be stored. 

When complete, scroll down and click UPDATE BUSINESS to save. 

To verify you have correctly configured your single and conditional selection fields, navigate to or Note you will need to log out to visit these pages. 

Now, answers to the question "What location are you interested in?" determine the possible answers available for the question "What instrument are you interested in?"