How do I create a trial payment plan for my group classes?

This article guides users on how to create a trial payment plan for group classes in


To create a trial payment plan for your session Services, navigate to the Services page and find the service for which you wish to create a trial payment. Click the Update button on that service and navigate to the Payment tab. Click the Edit button (the pencil icon) and scroll down.  




Click the Create Payment Plan button. 




Then select Single visit (cash or credit) as your payment plan template. 




Next, specify the details of your trial payment plan. 

  • In the name field, we recommend the name of the service followed by the plan type. E.g. My Little Mozarts Trial - Single Visit
  • If this plan will be made available for self-booking, provide a description in the description field that indicates this plan is for one-time trial visits. 
  • If booking a trial should also reserve a future time-slot for the student in case they convert, enable Should the participant be pre-enrolled for future session dates (unpaid). 
  • For extra visibility on the Today Dashboard, we recommend enabling Should a session or appointment booked with this plan be spotlighted in the Today dashboard. This allows your staff, managers, and owners to be aware when a trial student is attending a group class today. 


  • To easily track group class trial students though the client lifecycle, we recommend assigning the following lifecycle statuses when clients book with this trial plan:
    • Client lifecycle status after booking: Prospect (trial)
    • Client lifecycle status after attending: Prospect (trial follow up)
    • Client lifecycle status after cancellation: Prospect (follow up)
  • If you are an PLUS customer, you can also auto-tag clients that book with this plan by creating tags in the Assign tags to clients who book this plan field. 
  • Click ADD SINGLE VISIT SESSION PLAN when complete.



Finally, click 'Enable for Self Booking' and then 'Update Service' to save your payment plan.

