How do I create a paid unavailability block for my staff?

This article will outline the process of implementing a paid unavailability block for your teachers. This enables teachers/staff to receive compensation for state-mandated breaks or while undertaking administrative tasks outside of teaching hours.

First, navigate to the teacher's profile and select the pencil icon: 

Screenshot 2024-04-11 at 3.55.52 PM

Within their profile, you can scroll to "Unavailable Hours/Days" and click "+Add Unavailable Hours/Days"

Screenshot 2024-04-11 at 3.57.56 PM

Fill in the applicable information. 
  • Select "Multiple Dates"  from the dropdown if this is a recurring weekly occurrence.
  • Select "Specific Date" if this will only occur once. 
  • Select a Time Range and set the Location if applicable 
  • Toggle "Should the staff be compensated during this blocked time" 
  • A Note (optional) that will appear on the schedule 
  • Add the Hourly Rate 

Screenshot 2024-04-11 at 4.34.42 PM

Please note that paid unavailability blocks only support hourly rates at this time.


Be sure to click 'UPDATE STAFF' on the next screen to save these changes.


Screenshot 2024-04-11 at 4.37.00 PM

This paid unavailability block will now appear on the teacher's schedule: 

Screenshot 2024-04-11 at 4.39.41 PM

And on staff payroll: 

Screenshot 2024-04-11 at 4.43.15 PM