How do I configure my payment plans to auto-tag clients when they enroll?

This article explains how to configure payment plans to automatically tag clients upon enrollment.

Tagging customers enables business owners to efficiently follow up with both current and potential students when sending out bulk emails or SMS. Additionally, it facilitates segmented marketing campaigns for targeted communication.

Note: This feature is only available to our PLUS subscribers. If you're interested in learning more, check out pricing here:


To update your current payment plans to auto-tag new clients, navigate to your services page. Find the service you wish to update, and click UPDATE

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Navigate to the service's Payment tab, then click UPDATE on the payment plan

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Add the your desired tags by typing them in the section below. You can also search for previously used tags by using the drop down menu.

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Be sure to click UPDATE BUSINESS to save your changes. 

These tags will be automatically added to clients when they book with this plan.

Please Note: Tags can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores. No special characters. 

After someone enrolls in a service with a plan enabled with automatic tagging, you'll see these tags appear under their name on the prospect board and on their profile. 

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