How do I charge my clients once per month or year for rentals or membership fees?

This article explains how to use Subscription Only Services to charge clients once per month or year for rentals, membership fees, etc., using

On you can charge your clients on a monthly or yearly basis using Subscription Only services.

These services are not tied to any recurring lessons and are designed to assess charges like monthly rentals and yearly membership fees.

To create Subscription-Only services, navigate to Settings and click Services.

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To create a new service, click ADD SERVICE on the left side of the page.

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Scroll down and select Subscription Only from the menu and then click Continue.


Here you can create a new Subscription only based service.

As with other services, you may specify a name, and short and long descriptions, upload photos, specify tags for filtering, list terms and conditions, customize a confirmation email template, and most importantly, create a payment plan.

However, self-booking for subscription-only services is not currently supported, so adding a short/long description and photos - important for services available for self-booking - may be unnecessary.  


Create a payment plan to specify the amount your clients will be charged on a monthly or yearly basis.

To create a payment plan, click CREATE PAYMENT PLAN and select Membership with Recurring Payment. 

Below is the full menu where you can specify the details of your Subscription Only service's payment plan.

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After adding a MEMBERSHIP-RECURRING-PAYMENR-ONLY PLAN, you can enroll your clients in your Subscription Only service and charge recurring monthly and yearly fees. 

Once you've finished creating your Subscription Only service, to enrol your client in a Subscription Only service, click the Subscribe Client button at the top of the page (immediately to the left of the search bar).

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Select your Subscription Only service from the Service menu, choose a location, specify the date, choose a client, and click SUBSCRIBE

On the next page, you can review your client's payment information before charging them for your Subscription Only service.
