How do I change the service associated with a subscription?

This article provides guidance on how to change the service associated with a subscription. The recommended method is to utilize the "Subscription Replace" feature.

Using Subscription Replace

You can change the service associated with a subscription by using Subscription Replace. 


Subscription Replace is most often used to change a service from a shorter to a longer duration, e.g. from 30-minute piano lessons to 45-minute piano lessons without changing the day of the week, time, teacher, and location of the lesson. Alternatively, subscription replace can be used to replace the service associated with a subscription with that of another instrument, e.g. from 30-minute piano lessons to 30-minute guitar lessons on the same day/time/location and with the same teacher.


Note: Subscription Replace can only be used for appointment-based services.


To change the service associated with a subscription using Subscription Replace, navigate to your client's profile and scroll down to the Subscription section. On the subscription whose service you wish to replace click the Update button.




Scroll down and click the purple Replace button. 




Here you can specify the details of the new subscription that will replace your client's current subscription. Once you have specified the details of your client's new subscription, click the blue Replace Subscription button.




Note: invoices for your clients' current subscriptions will not automatically be prorated (or refunded if already paid) - make sure to check your client's invoices before and after using Subscription Replace. 


Watch the video above to learn step-by-step how to use Subscription Replace.