How do I automatically reserve a weekly time-slot after a trial lesson?

This article explains how to enable automatic time-slot reservation. When enabled, the time-slot is reserved for a specified number of days and then re-opens to other clients. allows you to configure your services such that an ongoing weekly appointment time slot is automatically reserved after a trial lesson is booked. This automation applies to both admin-booked and self-booked trials. Today, automatically reserving slots is only supported for appointment-based services. 

NOTE: today, does not support automatically modifying the automatically-generated appointment hold if the trial lesson is moved to a different time/day or cancelled. If the original trial appointment is updated to a different day/time or cancelled, the appointment hold for the future weekly time will be automatically removed. Subsequent appointment holds will need to be applied manually.

To enable to automatically reserve a weekly time-slot after a trial lesson has been booked, navigate to your Services page and click Update on the trial service for which you wish to enable automatic slot reservation. Under the General tab in the Details section, click the edit button (the pencil icon).

Then, scroll down to the setting Automatically hold weekly time-slot for client and click the toggle to enable (green). 

Next, you must specify 1) for how many days after the original trial appointment the recurring weekly slot should be held, and 2) which service is being automatically reserved when a client books a trial appointment.

When the appointment hold expires, that time slot / service is no longer reserved for that particular student and other clients will be able to book that particular appointment slot.

Once a trial appointment has been booked with these settings enabled, appointment holds / reservations are automatically added to your main schedule for the future weekly time-slot with the appointment note "Automatically held from {original trial service}".