How do I assign per-client pay rate bonuses for group classes?

This article explains how to assign per-client bonuses for session services to your staff members' pay rates.

Per-client bonuses for session services allow businesses to pay bonuses to staff on the basis of group class attendance or enrollment per session date. 

To add per-client bonuses for your staff, navigate to the staff member's profile and click the Update Profile button. Then, scroll down to the Staff Pay Rates section. Then click ADD STAFF PAY RATE or update an existing pay rate. 

Under "Should there be a per client bonus" is where you'll set the amount you would like to be issued per student. When creating a Per Client Bonus, its important to note that the rate of the bonus will be the same as the rate type. For example, if the assigned rate is fixed, and the bonus is set for $1, the staff member will be issued a $1 flat bonus per student. If the pay rate is hourly with a bonus of $1 per student, the staff's hourly rate is increased by $1 per student. 

Next, select the session services that you want this bonus to be applied to. 

You can allow teachers to still be paid a bonus if the client No Shows, Cancels, or Late Cancels by toggling those settings on. If you issue bonuses only for students that attend, the aforementioned toggles should all be set to off. If you issue bonuses for all students enrolled (regardless of attendance status / cancellations), all toggles should be on.

The Minimum and Max thresholds can be set to limit when a bonus will be issued. 


When a minimum number is set, every student AFTER that number will apply a bonus to the pay rate. (If 2 is the minimum, every student after 3 will be counted for a bonus)

The maximum number is the setting at which you would like bonuses to end and not issue AFTER the set number. (If the threshold is set for 4, students 5 and up will not trigger a bonus).

Example: If we use theses settings, Minimum: 2 and Maximum: 4, and we have 10 students enroll in a class, only two bonuses will be issued. (students 3 and 4).