How do I assign a Billing location to a subscription? has introduced a new feature that allows you to assign a Billing location to subscriptions that are not associated with a primary location, such as subscriptions booked at the Home or Online locations. now supports assigning a Billing location to subscriptions not booked under a primary location (e.g. subscriptions booked at the Home or Online locations).


How it works: once a Billing location is assigned to a subscription, current and future invoices and payments for that subscription will be processed under the Billing location. Additionally, the Invoices and Transactions Reports will show invoices and transactions associated with that subscription under the Billing location, rather than the Home or Online locations, and the Subscriptions report will list that subscription's billing location.


Note: past invoices and transactions are not affected when a billing location is assigned to a subscription.


How to assign a Billing location to a subscription: in the example below, a subscription booked under the Online location will be updated and assigned a billing location.


To assign a billing location to a subscription not booked under a primary location, navigate to the client's profile, locate the subscription you wish to update, and click the UPDATE button on the subscription.



Next, locate the Billing location field.




Select a Primary location to assign as the Billing location on that subscription.


3-May-27-2023-05-40-22-5885-AMSelect a Primary location


4-May-27-2023-05-41-05-5368-AMBilling location assigned


Then, scroll down and click the UPDATE button to save your changes. 


5-May-27-2023-05-42-41-4633-AMClick UPDATE to save


A Billing location has now been assigned to that subscription. Future open invoices under that subscription are now assigned to the Billing location for payment processing.


6-May-27-2023-05-47-44-2766-AMSubscription invoices under Billing location


The Subscriptions report also shows the Billing location of that subscription.


7-May-27-2023-05-49-03-7305-AMBilling location in Subscriptions reporting


All transactions on invoices of that subscription will now be processed under the Billing location.


8-3Transactions are now processed under the Billing location