How do I add a recurring discount to a subscription?

The article explains the process of adding a recurring discount to clients' subscriptions.


You can add a recurring discount to your clients' subscriptions during enrollment or after their subscriptions had been created. 


To add a recurring discount during enrollment, click the Add Discount button on the enrollment payment page.




Here you can specify the details of the discount - whether it is a percentage or flat discount, whether it applies to the plan (subscription) or to the sign-up fee, whether it is a recurring discount, a reason for the discount, and whether the discount should expire.

To create a recurring discount, make sure to specify Yes below Recurring on the Add A Discount window.




After you have added a recurring discount, continue to complete enrollment.

Your client now has a recurring discount on their subscription.

To add a recurring discount to a subscription that already exists, navigate to your client's profile and scroll down to the Subscriptions section.

Click Update on the subscription to which you want to apply a recurring discount. Toggle on the Discount button.

Here you can specify the details of the recurring discount, provide a reason, and determine whether the discount should ever expire and if so specify an end date.

Any discount created in this manner is recurring by default, so you don't need to specify that the discount is recurring.

Once complete, scroll down and click Update to save your changes.

The invoices generated from your clients' subscriptions will update in accordance with the discount. 

